An incorruptible ASDB?
Incorruptible? Depends on which side we're talking about at the Arizona School for the Deaf and Blind. This won't be known exactly how until the investigation is over. But some of the corruption is...
View ArticleSupt. Robert Hill's Letter to Teachers at ASDB
Below is a letter from Supt. Robert Hill from the Arizona School for the Deaf and Blind. Some people are calling this a "threatening" letter never mind the fact that teachers at ASDB are expected to...
View ArticleMichael Hubbs - A Deaf 2014 Winter Olympics Hopeful
Michael Hubbs is a 2014 Winter Olympics hopeful. Along with the thousands of athletes that dream of winning a medal for their country, Michael is among them. What makes Michael’s dream unique though is...
View ArticleThe unknown history of how FROГ got started at Gallaudet University
It all began innocently enough in the spring semester of 1988 when sophomore Robert Johnson approached a group of Kappa Gamma fraternity boys sitting around at their preferred Gallaudet University...
View ArticlePrinted 3D Bionic Ear for Superpower Hearing!
Ain't no joke but science and technology have gotten a lot geekier with this new 3D printed bionic ear that can hear beyond human ability. Creating this bionic ear was not really intended for those who...
View ArticlePositive Quote of the Day
There are lots of positive quotes out there made by people who see the value of making positive encouragements. Here's my own personal quote I just made up that I think sums up the importance of...
View ArticleAB 455 California Bill to Force Students to Learn ASL?
California Bill AB 455 is in the process of being written to force(?) students with hearing loss from K - 12th grade to learn ASL (as opposed to "sign language" which would be broader in scope)....
View ArticleGallaudet's Mysterious Underground Tunnels
For those who have lived or worked on the campus of Gallaudet University may have heard of stories of underground tunnels snaking beneath the campus. Tunnels that could be accessed from above. Tunnels...
View ArticleCAD and the AB 455 California Bill
The AB 455 bill is looking more like a bill that needs to be thrown out because it lacks an official definition for the term "Deaf" seen here in the bill. Unless the bill can provide an official...
View ArticleRemove "Deaf people can do anything except hear" phrase
The phrase "Deaf people can do anything except hear" is an oft repeated phrase used by many culturally deaf people but it's a phrase that I and millions of other people with hearing loss do not really...
View ArticleDeath of a Deaf Forum
It's dying of natural causes because naturally no one cares to visit this forum because it has become so one sided with everyone agreeing and nodding their heads together like bobbleheads.No real...
View ArticleDeafread continues to improve
Elsewhere on a positive note, Deafread continues to improve in its standing. This uptick is slowly gaining grounds since 2011 after an all time low global Rank of 2,553,855 per my screen capture....
View ArticleCochlear Implant Surgery - "It's a Beautiful Thing"
Two extremes, one is an exaggerated drawing of a boy getting cochlear implant by Daniel Winship where people responded both positively and negatively. Commenters have used a range of words to describe...
View Article"F*ck you, Deaf community!": Part II
Sometimes people who think they are doing the right thing actually end up hurting their cause and image when it comes to certain deafness related issues and concerns. I blogged this before a few years...
View ArticleIs Daniel Winship's art seen as "bullying"?
This what Tara Congdon wrote in her blog piece about Daniel Winship's own drawing depicting a deaf boy's head getting his cochlear implant drilled to his head: "Precisely because of all the reactions...
View ArticleVideo: Brain-stem implant and cued speech for a deaf boy
Grayson Clamp, who was born with Charge Syndrome, recently became the first child to receive an auditory brain stem implant as part of a Food and Drug Administration trial. Go here to the original site...
View ArticleAB 455 bill to be reworked
I was in close contact with a person who shall remain unnamed here regarding the development of the AB 455 bill in California who was working with a particular group who had some concern about the...
View ArticleTwitter Dies.....
Well, at least it did for me. I wasn't even following Twitter much less twitted my twits to all those twitters who like to follow my Twitter. I just officially deactivated my Twitter account. It is now...
View ArticleRachel Kolb...choices and challanges in life as a deaf person.
Who is Rachel Kolb? Here's a video of her at Stanford University doing a TEDx presentation about her life as a profoundly deaf person using the opportunity to transmit her ideas to a mostly hearing...
View ArticleThe attacking of Rachel Kolb
I'm not surprise but there are some people who will attack a deaf person for his or her communication preference or approach such as depending on lip-reading to communicate. Rachel Kolb wrote a well...
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