Mystery Colleague at Gallaudet Univ uses the "N" word in Hate Letter
Mystery Colleague at Gallaudet Univ uses the "N" word in Hate Letter. Yeah. You heard it right. An overly immature if not wholly unprofessional letter was directed at Dr. Angela McCaskill who was...
View ArticleOpen vs Closed Societies
President Hurwitz made it clear on the danger of practicing exclusion in his his February 19, 2013 State of the University address "Open the Gates Wide: Diversity and Inclusion at Gallaudet"...
View ArticleSarah Churman's book "Powered On" is Number One on Amazon
How impressive. Sarah Churman's book "Powered On" has hit the number one spot on Amazon's best "mover and shaker."Sarah and I just wanted to shoot out another e-mail saying THANK YOU to all who...
View ArticleCrab Theory on a Pedestal
You know, after all these years I've seen it happen again and again and again in the cultural deaf community. For some reason or another you get a group of people who would target certain deaf...
View ArticleMarvel Comics' "The Blue Ear Avenger" Inspires
Not only inspires but this story has gotten bit of a hate rant. More on that later. This week's story (more here from Marvel) which is a follow up on last year's Marvel comics news on the making of a...
View ArticleWhy no cochlear implant character in Switched at Birth?
Rachel Chaikof has a good blog piece about the lack of cochlear implant characters on the Switched at Birth show. A show with deaf characters who do not know sign language and prefer to listen and...
View ArticleTara Congdon, Blue Ear, Phonak, and Iron Man
Tara Congdon responded to my earlier blog about her recent rant against Marvel Comics and Phonak in a poster campaign with Iron Man.I agree with Tara's comment that the focus was not on Anthony Smith...
View ArticleDPN1 vs DPN2
What's the difference between Deaf President Now 2 (Unity for Gallaudet Movement, 2006) protest that began on May 1, 2006 and Deaf President Now 1 that began on March 6, 1988? The difference is that...
View ArticleAnonymous comments or not?
I had a brief discusion with a friend of mine that got around to blogging and how we handle comments. This person believes it's better not to have comments saying it cuts down on crap or hate comments...
View ArticleOnce a cyberbully always a cyberbully
I'm sure there are instances when a cyberbully stops becoming a cyberbully and realizes the error of her/his ways such as publicly signing a pact on not to ever be involved in cyberbullying such as...
View ArticleFor cochlear implant musicians only - a call for panelists
For an upcoming web conference on listening to and making music with cochlear implants in September 2013, the Association of Adult Musicians with Hearing Loss are hosting a panel of adult musicians who...
View ArticleAdult Cyberbullying
Believe or not the term cyberbullying is just not for kiddies but even among adults who behave exactly what kids would do online, plus some more. You can have an adult bully or a child bully. Being...
View ArticleExcuses Adult Cyberbullies Make
Adult cyberbullies with their continuing and repetitive nature of bullying online will provide an array of excuses to try and dissuade people that they cannot be a cyberbully. Cyberbullying takes on...
View ArticleDeath of Deafhood?
Is "deafhood" dying? Are people losing interest in it? Is it still alive? Or just sleeping? Maybe it's just simply a boring thing to lug around that people are just walking away from it? Maybe the...
View ArticleCyberbullying Email Group Discussion from 2010
Here's a copy of a cyberbullying email discussion I was in a few years ago. I believe with what has been happening lately warrants the releasing of this group email discussion for public consumption....
View ArticleAnonymous Matt
Below is my response to "Matt," an unknown commenter, in which we had a lively discussion in a previous blog, "Death of Deafhood?" I decided to put my response here since it would be too long to...
View ArticleProviding an argument vs ad hominems
Ad homenims do make an argument. In other words calling people names in the effort to belittle and/or denigrate them in an argument/debate do nothing other than to conspicously flag themsselves for...
View ArticleThought of the Day.
Big mystery question of the day. Why do some people to my blog and leave comments about how great "deafhood" is or something along that line but refuse to leave their real name behind? Are they...
View ArticleKVP takes a pill and the D/B Fiasco?
KVP. You know her blog. But, alas, the blog is no longer there. Blog has been removed. Sorry, the blog at has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs.Not...
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