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Deaf pianist donates $2 million to CSUF


A deaf person who also plays the piano donates $2 milllion dollars to California State University, Fresno.
Retired architect, vineyard owner and piano player Robert Duncan Nicol, who has been deaf since birth, says he is living proof "that deaf people, indeed, can do many things." That includes being a generous benefactor. Nicol on Friday gave $2 million for The Silent Garden program in the Communicative Disorders and Deaf Studies department at California State University, Fresno. The donation will help deaf and hearing-impaired children, their parents and teachers, as well as adults with hearing loss.

Inspirational to see another deaf pianist. Also, a very generous person!

The Deafening of America


In a Facebook conversation it got around to the use of the word "Deaf" and how one court is trying to avoid using a noun that create different classes of people such as deaf and hard of hearing. I asserted that by saying "Deaf" will not work to define a group of people with hearing loss since the word "deaf" has been far too long been ingrained to mean one thing. Same goes for "Deaf" as a more recent definition coined by Padden and Humphries back in the 1970s. I have broached this topic a few times in the past.

A comparison was used for the word "Deaf" by using "Blind/blind" in making a case. A term used by the National Federation of the Blind (NFB.ORG):
".... all of their members to be blind regardless of visual acuity."
To them it creates a "classless" non-discriminatory definition within their own class of people (B/blind) from those with normal range of vision even though 90% of their members happens to be not legally blind. I'd like to see NAD admit that some of their members are not legally deaf as well even though I suspect some of the NAD officers are pushing for the whole "Deaf" wording. Just a suspicion. Not that it's true or anything like that.

This "Blind" definition is still discriminatory. What I mean is that it still show differences between classes of people from the "haves and have-nots," essentially so.  But using the "Blind" description/definition will not work just as "Deaf" will not work. What I am talking about are what people see themselves as.

Let's take the mildest form of hearing loss whether it's in one one or both ears they would not consider themselves as "deaf."

The meaning of the word "deaf" has been ingrained for far too long to mean one thing and that evokes that a deaf person means the person cannot hear a darned thing.  In retrospect using "Deaf" won't work to include all people with all range and types of hearing loss. The same goes for "blind" which evokes a description of one who cannot see a single thing. People see "deaf" and "blind" as the extreme end of hearing and visual (acuity) loss, not the mild types.  Instead of that, people try and use an alternate "safe" terms like "legally blind" and "legally deaf" to discern the differences but even that can present problems, too.  When one says "blind" to what does the term evokes for you? Same for "deaf." What does the term evokes for you? Perspectives vary.

There are people with 20/20 vision who do wear glasses. Are they blind? Hardy. Saying "legally blind" emphasizes the extremity of visual loss as opposed to simply saying "blind" which doesn't help much here. Do people with mild hearing loss considered as "legally deaf"?  Even if the person is 1 to 5 db above normal hearing range? Or even 10 dB? The type of accommodation and function between people with vision loss and hearing loss are quite different in level and scope. With glasses you don't miss things visually but with hearing aids you can miss things such as words by not understanding every spoken syllable. There is an inherent problem with the word "deaf" (saying "D"eaf doesn't help either) to include every single people with any amount of hearing loss, even by 1 or 5 dB above normal hearing range. Just won't work. The same goes with the word "blind."

If the court want to create a word that does not break into two different classes of people (e.g. deaf and hard of hearing) then create a word, a noun, that does not carry a stigma. A word that's neutral in meaning. A word that doesn't create a misunderstanding (e.g. deaf, Deaf, blind, Blind). In other words, find something else other than those words because they won't work to fit all people with hearing loss. Just like "Blind." It won't work. Find a noun that fits and describe people with a certain condition. Even by saying "Deaf" is still discriminatory but the word does discriminate between those who cannot hear to those who can hear. It does create a separate class. The problem is the amount of functional differences. Same goes for "Blind."

It's true that we fit in the category of people with hearing loss. There's no denying that.  The same goes for those that fit in the category of people with vision loss. But are all of them blind? There's already an inherent problem in using that word, capitalized or not. Not matter what words to use to define a group, it's still discriminating between classes of the haves and have nots, essentially so. People use other terms like "mobility-challenged" instead of "crippled" or "handicapped." But saying "mobility-challenged" evokes extremity of a condition but it's certainly far better than the other two denigrating words. I'm older and can't run like a young teen in a track event but I'm still quick and nimble. Am I "mobility-challenged"?

What about "visually-challenged"? Or "hearing-challenged." Or "hearing impaired" which is about the hearing that is impaired, not the person. Same for "visually impaired." What is the best PC word around to avoid "classes" of definitions and not offend or confuse anyone? Saying "Deaf" will not work.

Good luck with that one.

Bullying through politics: Echoing a cause but is it right?.

There is an article written by a 15 year old high school student about his bullying experiences in classes committed by his teachers for having an alternative conservative political viewpoints in the great state of Wisconsin with the whole Governor Scott Walker and the teachers union issues in 2011.
My name is Benji Backer and I attend a public high school in Appleton, Wisconsin. I have always supported the public school system and plan to do so for the rest of my life. Many Americans who stand up for the public school system and the unions believe there is no attempt to sway opinion or that students with opposing beliefs are singled out. Unfortunately, experiences I have had with harassment and bullying prove that wrong. This is a timeline of the most extreme cases of harassment and indoctrination I have had in the three different public schools I have attended over the last three years. 
Teachers presenting a one-sided political view are a problem and they need to be stopped. A school should be a place students can comfortably and safely express their beliefs, learn, grow and form their own opinions. If we want an educated Republic, we need to educate our students in a fair and balanced way.

This article immediately reminded me of my own instances of having a political discussion with a bunch of deaf contributors in Deaf Echo that had an obvious pro-union article piece they wrote called "Madison, Wisconsin - So This is Democracy: An Attack on Education." Curious, the article got my attention and I decided to contribute to the discussion offering my viewpoints and opinions as a conservative. But somehow, somewhere down the line, a deaf moderator decided that I was making "abusive comments" in my responses and comments. The new Deaf Echo webpage no longer carry comments that were made back in February of 2011.  I suspect this was due to moving the contents in Deaf Echo using a different software and didn't transport all of the older comments during the process. All 43 comments are now missing as insofar per my copy of their online discussion. Feel free to contact me for a copy just to see that I contributed responsibly. No where were my comments deemed as "abusive." Even one contributor who is a native of Wisconsin who didn't like Scott Walker and his approach about the whole teacher unions was puzzled by the moderator's assertion of my so-called writing "abusive comments" in the effort to shut me up and force me out of the discussion.
I just don't get it. I also was turned off and decided not to comment there further. I've seen comments that are disrespectful over there and it was allowed. Yours wasn't disrespectful in anyway nor was it anything that violated their policy and I've read it twice. Scratching my head too. I've seen comments on my own blog that were beyond anything they have ever experienced and I allowed them within reason because I wanted people to see discussions at play so they can understand the issues better. Heck, you and I don't even agree on this issue. And, I think you've done nothing wrong. I guess they don't have the balls.
Certainly. I was courteous and had my facts. They saw it that I was making "abusive" comments.  I saw it as their attempt to bully me out of a discussion because my contribution was not supporting their cause and rancor in their effort to "drive forward" in their home state protest efforts against Governor Scott Walker and teacher unions issue.

Candy made it clear earlier in Deaf Echo's comment section her displeasure of the obvious bias against me as an individual who had a different political opinion using no ad hominems, derogatory remarks, belittling, abusive comments and such.
Moderator: Mike McConnell has been blocked from further commenting on Deaf Echo for repeat violations of our policies. Specifically, writing abusive comments. We do not tolerate this on Deaf Echo. We love a good discussion that drives things forward, and we act aggressively to maintain a good environment for our readers and writers. Our policies can be read about more in depth on our About page.

Candy Sweetblog: I don't see any abusive comments by Mike. Gotta have two polarizing sides to have a good discussions and sometimes some things just don't "drive things forward." I don't see his comments creating a bad environment. Just sayin' Then again, it is your blog.
Nice excuse there. I do have a copy of the whole discussion made by various contributors. It's several pages long containing 43 separate comments. Ask and ye shall receive. And thank you, Candy. She exemplifies the very example that people with alternative viewpoints can debate/argue and can either disagree or agree with the points made, and still be friends.

The one thing people have to remember is that it is their blog, their website Deaf Echo. They can moderate however they see fit, whatever that fits their agenda, and whatever rules they want to make on the fly. But I can't help shake the feeling that I was somehow actually bullied out of a discussion. I seem to be the only person to have an alternative political viewpoint out of all of the people contributing there. Coincidence? Nah. Am I a bullying victim? Nah. I don't see myself as a "victim" in any sense of the word. It's really a crutch excuse to say that. What I see is that people didn't know how to debate with those having alternative, valid political viewpoints. Candy did. They didn't. Their Achilles Heel was to get overly defensive and decided to bully me out by making up some obscure reason that I "violated" their posting policy and that my comments were "abusive." Kind of like charging me as being racist when instead it's the policies I disagree, not because of skin color.

Making up excuses that my comments were "abusive" only goes to show that, yes, bullying through politics, even veiled, can and does happen to anyone, even to a 15 year old student standing up to a bullying teacher who have control of his class and any political discussions.
I believe that the majority of my teachers (and teachers in general) are professional and leave their personal political views out of the classroom. There are a few teachers that have been extremely inspirational to me. Unfortunately, most is not enough. Teachers that do bring a one-sided view of politics into the classroom are attempting to influence students’ opinions. They want to teach us what to think instead of how to think.

The intimidation has not swayed me or made me cower from my beliefs, but I worry about the other students. I'm certain I am not the only one that has experienced this sort of intimidation. My teachers have always talked about bullying, including bullying homosexuals and how wrong it is. I agree one hundred percent. They shouldn’t be bullied, nor should anyone else. But if homosexuals can get equal treatment, why can’t I? Why can’t my conservative friends? If teachers want bullying to end with homosexuals, other races or religious beliefs, they should want it to end with every type of bullying possible, including political views.

Sounds familiar?

Addendum:  Silly me. I should've checked the Wayback Machine to see if it has archived the particular article in question along with the saved (43) comments. Here it is

You be the judge.

Addendum II: If you happened to be curious about results of Gov. Walker post win recall election effort go here and see the differences.

Persona non grata or pettiness?


It has been several months since I accessed Deaf Echo's website which is a holdover from their old DeafDC site. It has been over a year since Oct 9, 2011 when I realized that I was really persona non grata on participating in their discussion when I discovered I could no longer post comments in the "The YouTube Video You Don't See" article piece written by Chris Heuer, (an associate professor at Gallaudet University who teaches some great courses, btw). His article was about Sarah Churman's video that went viral when her implantable hearing aid was turned on for the first time. The comments are no longer there ever since Deaf Echo upgraded/renovated their website. However, comments can still be seen archived through the Wayback Machine

My comment did go through at first as you can see in my screen capture
Well, the video went viral with no fault of Sarah. No one expected it to go viral. She never expected to go on the Today Show and Ellen DeGeneres show, and get featured in CNN with Anderson Cooper. Never expected to get her money reimbursed. Yet, she's taking the brunt only because the video went viral and been interviewed by some of the major networks. Had it been only 200 or 2000 views, this would've been a non-story.
My post came approximately 14 minutes after Dianrez's posted comment. Approximately 83 minutes later I checked again only to see that my comment disappeared. That's when I realized and assumed on Oct 9, 2011 that I was persona non grata from participating in any of their discussions on their Deaf Echo website. I first got the boot in February 21, 2011 (see Mod's issuing a ban against me) but I had no idea my ban was permanent until my comment go removed did I suspect the permanency of my ban on Oct 9, 2011. That was the second time my comment was removed. The first time my comment was summarily removed was on April 12, 2011 after only several minutes as you can see in the screen capture. Nice cover-up and no attempt to answer a simple question.

Here's where I made an interesting discovery almost a year later just this week.

I found out I was unable to view/access Deaf Echo's website at home and instead got a DNS error message (i.e. "This page can't be displayed") on my browser. The same thing on my wife's laptop. But I can still view it at home on my laptop through a different channel and noticed that Deaf Echo's website is functioning fine and not simply down. I asked my friends if they could access it and they all said yes. I asked if they could view D.E. through my links on my blog pieces. Not a problem. All that led me to believe in their own pettiness (again, it IS their website, you can be petty all you want) Deaf Echo decided to block my IP address in the effort to prevent me from viewing their public website.

Excuse me?

Prevent me from viewing it? Really go that low?

Deaf Echo is not a private website but certainly a public website open for viewing.

I expected more professionalism from Deaf Echo but I suppose they do have the right to throw essentially a tantrum by putting up a wall because they didn't like what I wrote in my blogs, if that really was the case. I sincerely hope not and I hope I'm quite wrong but it's looking more like the other way.

I believe the owner of Deaf Echo eventually discovered my blog piece I did on March 12, 2011 essentially challenging Deaf Echo on the whole Wisconsin union protest and Gov. Scott Walker.  Or maybe it was this blog piece where I noted them for censoring me in a piece called "AGBell are now officially Deaf people" on Sept 8, 2012 as a reason for the blocking? I am pretty sure I was able to access their website a few more times after Sept 8, 2012 but it was just this week I discovered I was unable to access their website through normal channels on my laptop via my internet provider.  Something happened between Sept 8, 2012 and this week.

I'm fine with the ban on participating in their forum discussion. They have their own justification for doing so, however petty it may seem. But what I find incredulous is their attempt to block me further from viewing their Deaf Echo website. And the reason is....what?  ThisThis?
This? This? Or this?

Dunno. Whatever the reason it's a petty thing to witness.

ADDENDUM: Joeseph Pietro Riolo made a good comment on a piece I did on April 12, 2011 about the removal of my comment by a moderator and the sadness of seeing such attitudes.
I saw your comment over there at Deaf Echo and later on, much to my surprise, your comment was gone. I questioned myself whether you removed your comment on your own or the editor or moderator of Deaf Echo deleted your comment.

Now, I know you did not.

This whole thing saddens me. I had high respect for Deaf Echo and I am trying to stay positive about it. But, this is the second time that your comment was removed. But then, as you wrote, the editor or moderator of Deaf Echo has the complete prerogative in controlling the comments and I could not argue against it. Is Deaf Echo becoming another yet platform for bashing cochlear implantation and by extension, people who have cochlear implant? I hope not.

(It seems that there is no end in attempting to make an analogy between cochlear implantation and everything else. I came across an analogy between cochlear implantation and circumcision(!) somewhere many moons or ages ago. I dread to see what will be the next analogy.)

Joseph Pietro Riolo

I, too, had high hopes for DeafDC which has morphed into Deaf Echo because many of their articles written by many different deaf authors (any hh or non-Deaf authors?) were very good, insightful and the kind that make you think. Other articles have allowed us a peak into the author's window of their "extremist" thinking. Not that it's bad but it is an interesting realization. Regardless, DeafDC is still worthy of a read but then again only if some of the people over their learn to take their pettiness out of the way and allow diverse views and thinking be a part of the discussion. I think all of this was precipitated by their own hands when I had my own views about the Wisconsin union/Gov Walker debate that were opposite of theirs did they find or at least they thought they did reason and justification to ban me since I was the only one their with an opposing viewpoint when they really wanted was total and uncompromising support instead. All of this this ended with the total IP block to their Deaf Echo website which was the manifestation of their continuing disagreement over my political stance, my way of questioning things and linking to their articles or people who commented over their since I could not do so because I was PNG. I had an opinion and blogged about. Nothing bad or extraordinary about that.

S.E.E. is a visual language....

S.E.E. stands for Signing Exact English. It is a visual, signing communication system that allow the full English language to be visually seen in its correct grammatical and syntactical forms. S.E.E. is in fact a visual language of the English language. Not that S.E.E. itself is a language but an avenue to see the English language visually in its full proper form without breaks and help continue with the English foundation and development.

I see no controversy in using S.E.E. for deaf kids to use.  It's certainly better than having no signing at all with no visual communication access. This is especially true among those who cannot get the full benefit of hearing aids or cochlear implants. At least there is an option out there. A choice. I have friends who grew up with S.E.E. One is even a CEO and runs his own, very successful deaf-run company

Deaf-Blind Fiasco at Gallaudet University

I'm calling this a fiasco because the DB students have had to put up with Gallaudet University's shortcomings (and some of the deaf people in the Deaf community) on not helping them succeed and graduate in the subject they want to major in, and be a part of the dynamic campus community, inside and out. The DB at Gallaudet University have always been at the bottom of the totem pole when it comes to services on addressing their needs on the same equitable level as their sighted counterparts.  The deaf community in general, especially at Gallaudet University, failed in their Community Accountability toward the DB community. Ryan Odland (see below) explains why.

Ryan Odland brought up the issue of how Gallaudet isn't helping the Deafblind to the MSCHE board a few days ago. The Middle States Commission on Higher Education [MSCHE] is a voluntary, non-governmental, membership association that is dedicated to quality assurance and improvement through accreditation via peer evaluation. Middle States accreditation instills public confidence in institutional mission, goals, performance, and resources through its rigorous accreditation standards and their enforcement. That is their mission statement.

Below is a video of Ryan Odland addressing the problem the DB face everyday at Gallaudet University. Included is a transcript of Ryan addressing to the MSCHE board


Many students feel frustrated and will withdraw from Gallaudet. From my personal experience having been a Graduate student for five years, I can really understand based upon their approach to students with disabilities. We have a disability service here which is understaffed and unable to catch up with today's technology. Students have varying needs not only here but in the United States of America as well as on a global scale. They all have been frustrated with inappropriate accommodations such as transportation for internships when the student is Deafblind and unable to drive. Another example is students who have ADHD and do not have success reading without accommodations. It's been frustrating, stressful, and procreates the climate for a student to drop out. The inaccessibility also has an impact on the Deafblind student's major and are oftentimes told to change their majors. I don't mean to give Gallaudet a bad time or be looked down at, but I do want to recognize Gallaudet's potential within its disability services. The DB and other students with special needs who do not have the proper accessibility via services, it stifles our growth rate. I am also an adjunct professor who has seen this from a first hand experience with my students. I often times find myself having to directly accommodate the students because I know OSWD lacks the ability to do so. The direct accommodations are provided because I want to see a success rate in my classroom. Why is it my responsibility to provide as such when OSWD should be doing this instead? Gallaudet needs to be providing the support, not the professors. I think it is a big issue on campus. I have a paper file with the past two years where I have been presenting on how the Gallaudet Mission and Vision statement has failed the Deafblind and students with special needs. The lecture is how we can increase the retention rate and self esteem of the students. This is not achievable when OSWD is understaffed and it causes a problem for the students who need the accommodations and accessibility. Thank you.

Another failure on Community Accountability front by capable culturally deaf people with strong English skills and signing ability are those who refuse to include transcripts or subtitles to their own signing vlogs leaving much of the DB out.  One DB said it best on the failure of the sighted culturally deaf community on making them feel they're a part of the deaf community:
I think it’s time that the Deaf community learned about accountability – towards its very members – grassroots, women, men, the educated, around the world, the blind, the DeafPlus, et cetera – and truly learned how to INTEGRATE that into their livelihoods.

Because you might as well get used to me butting into your lives with my lovely hands tactiling yours in FORM OF COMMUNICATION using the very COMMON method: SIGN LANGUAGE. Any sign language around thw world. That can be said for others, however, this opinion article is based on my experiences and views being an international lecturer meeting hundreds if not thousands of Deafblind people around the world who say that they grew up Deaf, but now that they’re Deafblind, they don’t feel part of the Deaf community anymore.

My answer to that?

It takes two sides to come HALF WAY to communicate. The Deafblind people have to come halfway and educate the others how to communicate with them; The Deaf people have to come halfway to learn how to support them, how to integrate them within the Deaf community, to ensure that rejection is not a verb in anyone’s language.

Gallaudet University and the some of the people in the culturally deaf community, please get your act together and support the D-B community's needs. Stop with the lame excuses and move forward. Walk the walk for once.

Hat Tip - Candy.

Round Peg in a Square Hole - Open and Closed

Quotable Quotes of Dr. Edward Miner Gallaudet

Here are these interesting quotes by Dr. Gallaudet in 1886, six years after the 1880 Milan Conference:
I commend this auricular method to all who are interested in the education of the deaf as one deserving of very great attention, because, if we take the number of the deaf who are capable of being taught aurally as amounting to 10 per cent, only, it is conferring upon them a great boon to teach them aurally; it is a greater boon even than giving them the power of imperfect speech.
And this quote:
Within two years after that time I exhibited this boy before the National Academy of Sciences at Washington, and talked with him through the tube without difficulty, and today he has advanced far enough to be a student in our college; he is a young man full of promise, and he hears well enough to be able to sit by the side of either of you gentlemen and carry on a conversation with you through the tube.

And this one, too:
A third method which we are now practising in America with some exceedingly interesting results may be spoken of as the aural or auricular method. A very considerable percentage of those who are classed in the community as deaf-mutes have a degree of hearing which makes it entirely possible that they may be educated through the ear.

Who ever thought that Dr. Gallaudet would trot out a deaf boy at the National Academy of Sciences in Washington D.C., of all places, and hold him up as an example of a successful product of an oral and auditory teaching approach to gain a language? Imagine people like him doing that today at Gallaudet University. Students and staff over there would just have an apoplectic fit.

All this occurred on Nov 9,1886 according to the Royal Commission report. Dr. Edward Miner Gallaudet acknowledged the importance of listening and speaking. This important acknowledgment came six years later after the famous Milan Conference in 1880 when Dr. Edward Miner Gallaudet and Rev. Thomas Gallaudet opposed a resolution that passed banning sign language.

Let me repeat that again for you.

How do you reconcile with Dr. Gallaudet being against the banning of sign language in 1880 (Milan Conference) and 6 year later explained to the Royal Commission of the United Kingdom on the Condition of the Blind, the Deaf and Dumb on his commending the successful use of aural and oral teaching method?  How do you reconcile with those two facts? And the fact earlier in his life he became the first president of Columbia Institution for the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb and Blind in 1864 now today called "Gallaudet University."

Interesting, eh? I'm sure your brain hurts right now.

Tombstone of Hope in Heaven

Does this tombstone statue of a boy in a wheelchair finally standing up reaching for the sky make you smile?

Smile at the hope that he no longer have to be like that, free from the confines of a wheelchair, the pain and be wholly healed in heaven?

Would you still smile if the boy was once deaf, too, and that he has been made whole in heaven and can hear the sound, too?

Would you?

Deaf Schools similar to Hogwarts?

I saw Amy Cohen's link to a video in Facebook of Michael Stultz, an ASL teacher, who did a video explaining to his hearing students on what deaf schools are like. In a moment of inspiration he used the Hogwarts school that Harry Potter and his friends, and their enemies, attended as having that similarity. Mr. Stultz explained that Hogwarts and deaf schools have similarities such a having a cafeteria where students would come together and meet and eat, dormitories, classroom settings, and even sports or contests settings, and a place where self-identity would be realized. Although I'm wondering if deaf schools would include Gallaudet University as the final place for  "advanced wizardry students" to attend and graduate?

Seeing the video title I wondered who Lord Voldemort would be while I watched the video. Of course, I wasn't surprised when Mr. Stultz targeted AGBell and other oral schools as being the "Lord Voldemort" equivalent although never mind the fact that Lord Voldemort is a character and not an institution in the Harry Potter books/movies. Does teaching ASL includes teaching students on what to think about AGBell and other oral schools?

Just wondering.

Mr. Stultz gave an example of how "Voldemort's" goal would be to eradicate the Muggle born (not born into pure blood or wizard parents) and their kind of wizardry (which happens to be the good kind and used for good and not fall prey to the dark magic like Voldemort did - aka Tom Riddle). In other words, Mr. Stultz made the claim that the ultimate goal of AGBell and other oral schools (so called "Voldemort") would be to deliberately eradicate the culturally deaf community (so called "Muggles").

Desperate are we?

Problem number one. Lord Voldemort is Muggle born, too, but believe in blood-purity even though he became the most powerful and feared half-blood Dark Wizard. Dumbledore explains the blood-purity complex and problem that Lord Voldemort and other arch enemies of the dark magic believe in.
Dumbledore asserts that the much-vaunted blood purity does not exist, and is only a fiction maintained by the deceptions of supremacist wizards.
At Hogwarts they have their pure-bloods, too, like Draco Malfoy and others in the House of Slytherin. So, that's problem number two.

The pure-bloods are those born to wizard parents with many of them believing on mixing only with their kinds (e.g. nth generation family of pure blood, no miscegenation ). Examples of pure-bloods and what they do in order to maintain their "blood purity" lineage would be the Blacks, the Lestranges, the Crouches, the Fudges, the Gaunts, the Longbottoms, the Malfoys, the Potters and the Weasleys but not all of them believe in mixing only with their kinds like what the Malfoys believe (pay attention to the underlined bold below).
To maintain their blood purity, supremacist families have been known to inbreed into their own families by marrying their cousins, resulting in mental instability and violent natures. The Gaunts displayed both tendencies by the time of the sixth book with the exception of Merope, the last female member of the line.  
Pure-blood supremacists believe blood purity is a measure of a wizard's magical ability – notwithstanding examples of highly skilled Muggle-born witches like Hermione Granger and Lily Evans, and less skilled pure-bloods such as Neville Longbottom – and Muggles to be low-life, having no magic in them. Supremacists apply the term "blood traitor" to pure-bloods who harbor no prejudice against non-pure-bloods (enjoying their presence and relations with them).  
The antagonistic wizards in the Harry Potter books are almost all supremacists, while Harry and his friends disagree with this ideology. Rowling draws several parallels between the pure-blood supremacists and Nazi ideology in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (the belief that pure-blood wizards have the right to subjugate the Muggle world and view themselves as a "master race", laws requiring Muggle-borns to register with the Ministry of Magic, rounding up Undesirables, etc.).

Sounds familiar? Traitors of "pure-blood" in the deaf sense would be culturally deaf people who enjoy intermingling with deaf/hh people of AGBell and those who are products of oral or even mainstreamed schools.

Who would the "pure-bloods" be if Michael Stultz is determined to use Voldemort and Hogwarts as examples?  Since "pure-bloods" are those wizards born to wizard parents sound very much like culturally deaf people born to culturally deaf parents and are a part of the "nth Deaf Generation." Those "pure-bloods" sometime advocates "Deaf purity" in all aspect of their Deaf life such as no hearing aids or cochlear implants coinciding with their own elitism of having been born, if they are lucky, as the nth culturally deaf generation who associate mostly with "their kinds" like other culturally deaf friends and families.

Deafhood anyone?

You see the problem now? The "pure-blood" at deaf schools would be the "nth born culturally deaf" students who do not wear or believe in hearing aids or cochlear implants, does not talk or do the "yowling" and use ASL only as their primary mode of communication. The "pure-bloods" at Hogwarts believe that Mugglehould not be taught magic and wizarding skills who limit their interaction with them by marginalizing them in many aspects of their lives.

Does that not sound familiar already? Do you see where I'm getting at?

Does the pure-blood Malfoys sound familiar, too?

Who would the "Deaf Malfoys" be at Gallaudet University and other (signing) deaf schools if you *really* want to go that far, Mr. Stultz?  Who would be the "Deaf Potters" be at Galluadet University and other deaf schools? What about the Longbottoms and the Weasleys who do not believe in the blood-purity requirement?

This gets worse (or better depending on your view).

Michael Stultz's attempted to compare (signing) deaf schools to that of Hogwarts using Lord Voldemort (aka Tom Riddle who is the ultimate character villain of Harry Potter) to represent AGBell and oral schools presents a number of problems as you can probably already see it by now.

Not everybody who attended Hogwarts were Muggle borns. You had the Malfoys, remember? The same pure-blood Draco Malfoy who sneered at Muggle borns at Hogwarts by calling them derisively and derogatorily as "Mudbloods."
Harry first encounters Draco's snobbish bigotry after their initial encounter at Madam Malkin's.[2] Rowling uses the Malfoys to introduce themes of intolerance and bigotry into a setting where people are often judged solely by their blood lineage rather than their good character or accomplishments. Draco, adhering to his family's beliefs, thinks that Muggle-born witches and wizards, which he and other characters derogatorily describe by the epithet Mudbloods, should be denied a magical education. Harry's first impression that the Wizarding community is a "magical wonderland" is instantly shattered. Says Rowling, "[Harry] found out that many people in power in the wizarding world are just as corrupt and nasty as they are in our world." Malfoy was originally named "Draco Spungen" in the earliest drafts of Philosopher's Stone. "Spungen" also appeared on her pre-canon class list, but it was crossed out and replaced with the surname "Spinks", while "Malfoy" was later added after the completion of the list. Philip Nel believes that Malfoy is derived from the French phrase mal foi, meaning "bad faith."In an article published in 2002, Nilsen and Nilsen argue that "Draco" has connotations with draconian, and that his name starts with "mal", a French prefix for "bad" or "evil". Many of Draco's relatives on his mother's side of the family (the Blacks) are named for stars or constellations (e.g., Sirius Black, Regulus Black, Andromeda Black Tonks, Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Cygnus Black, Orion Black). Another constellation is Draco (the Dragon). Draco Malfoy eventually named his son for yet another constellation, Scorpius.
Again, sound familiar?

In Hogwarts there are four Houses in the school of witchcraft and wizardry: Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. Prior to starting school the Sorting Hat identifies each new Hogwarts student by wearing the hat. The Sorting Hat would either identify the new student belonging either to  Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, or Slytherin House,
The Sorting Hat claims that blood purity, is a factor in selecting Slytherins. This suggests that it bases its decisions more upon the views of its members than on any accurate test of a student's lineage. Muggle-born Slytherins exist, but are very rare, as noted insultingly by Scabior the Snatcher.[9] There have also been definite examples of half-bloods sorted into the house, including Tom Marvolo Riddle (Lord Voldemort) and Severus Snape. Harry Potter was nearly sorted into Slytherin, but ended up in Gryffindor instead.
So, what is the House of Slytherin?
Slytherin is one of the four Houses at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and is traditionally home to students who exhibit such traits as cunning, resourcefulness, and ambition. Its emblematic animal is the snake and its colours are green and silver. The house ghost is the Bloody Baron. Founded by Salazar Slytherin, the house is composed mostly of pure-blood students, due to its founder's mistrust of Muggle-born witches and wizards. Slytherin house has a negative reputation, with many claiming that it is the source of most Dark Wizards in Britain, notably Tom Marvolo Riddle, a.k.a. Lord Voldemort, as well as many of his Death Eaters (followers). It has a traditional rivalry with Gryffindor.
The Sorting Hat selected Gryffindor House for Harry Potter who noted for his good character and strength rather than for his blood purity. The Sorting Hat almost put Harry Potter into the House of Slytherin. And if you remember the movie Harry Potter was praying/hoping that he wouldn't want to be put into the House of Slytherin. The Sorting Hat explains what a Slytherin would do :

Or perhaps in Slytherin,
You'll make your real friends,
Those cunning folk use any means,
To achieve their ends.

- "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" by J.K. Rowling        

The Slytherins will use any means to achieve their ends and that means cheating, killing, lying, providing misinformation, backstabing, defamation, and so on. Just making a point here and not making this a literal comparison so calm down by now.

But the House of Gryffindor emphasizes a completely different set of philosophy and belief:
The Gryffindor house emphasises the traits of courage as well as "daring, nerve, and chivalry," and thus its members are generally regarded as brave, though sometimes to the point of recklessness. They can also be short-tempered. Notably, Gryffindor house contributed many members to Dumbledore's Army and the Order of the Phoenix.
Ah, remember Dumbledore's Army during the Battle at Hogwarts?
The Slytherin students left while many students from the other three houses remained behind to fight against Lord Voldemort.      
"Before Harry could speak, there was a massive movement. The Gryffindors in front of him had risen and stood facing, not Harry, but the Slytherins. Then the Hufflepuffs stood, and almost at the same moment, the Ravenclaws, all of them with their backs to Harry, all of them looking toward Pansy instead, and Harry, awestruck and overwhelmed, saw wands emerging everywhere, pulled from beneath cloaks and from under sleeves." —before the Battle of Hogwarts.
If you want comparison, Mr. Stulz. I'm that "Muggle born" the "half-blood" deaf/hh guy. I'm that person in the "House of Gryffindor." Heck, I could be that "Harry Potter" who unwittingly became the leader in the fight against the Slytherins, the Malfoys, the Voldemorts and their evil "pure-bloods." I join with the other two Houses, the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws in the fight against the Slytherins and the "Voldemorts."

Nah. But I'm making a point here.

If you really want to get down to brass tacks then the "Muggle borns" at deaf schools (or even at Gallaudet University) would be deaf/hh students who are mostly born to hearing parents with most of them wearing hearing aids and cochlear implants who know how to talk and even listen, along with other communication tools such as CUED speech. The "pure-blood" would be those who are born to culturally deaf parents who advocate strongly ASL (as opposed to be open to PSE, SEE, Cued Speed, aural/oral methods), does not usually talk and usually do not wear hearing aids or cochlear implants. Their status as "pure Deaf" are coveted and used as an elitist badge of theirs.  I can play this game, too. Just humor me hear, folks. The "pure blood" would be the "nth generation Deaf family" students at a (signing) deaf school and Gallaudet University.

Mr. Stultz and others, do you really want to compare Hogwarts to that of deaf schools/Gallaudet University and "Lord Voldemort" to that of AGBell and oral schools supposedly bent on destroying Hogwarts and Muggle borns?  If I were you, I'd avoid the whole comparison game else you'd end up with the whole pure-blood contradiction and conundrum backfiring on you.

The continuing attacking, smearing, misinformation and disinformation campaigns against AGBell and other oral/aural schools are mostly done by those in the culturally deaf community and not the other way around. Look who really are doing the attacking. Look at those who are proud of their "pure-blood" as the "nth Deaf generation family member" (I have no beef about that one).

Look at the "Muggle borns" at deaf schools, Gallaudet University, NTID, and even CSUN who are made up of all walks of life those born deaf or late deafened. Those who grew up deaf, hard of hearing, or Deaf. Those who are CUED speech users, SEE users, PSE users, and ASL users. Those who prefer to talk and listen over signing. Those who are born to deaf parents, born to Deaf parents, or born to hearing parents. "Muggle borns" are the kind of people who simply accept others people with hearing loss for who they are. They do not care for the measure of "blood purity" (e.g. nth generation Deaf family, ASL only, etc) but rather look to the depth of a person's character born out of goodness and strength.

Hogwarts, Deaf Schools, Mudbloods and Pure Bloods, oh my!


Recently I covered a piece about how some people view going to residential schools or deaf schools as similar as going to Hogwarts. That's fine. Each to his or her own. However, I saw that video as an excuse to bash and attack AGBell and oral/aural schools.

In the 2005 Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education titled "Understanding Harry Potter: Parallels to the Deaf World" saw parallels of deaf kids in deaf residential schools similar to that of Hogwarts and Harry Potter but without the paranoid bashing of AGBell, oral/aural schools, and mainstream schools.  It was a good piece. It covered the essential areas about identity, isolation, acceptance and so forth. But there were a few things I noticed that were glaringly absent. It did not discuss the all important "pure-bloods," "half-bloods," "Mudbloods," the Malfoys as bullies, and the Houses of Slytherin, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw.  Something that you would see in deaf residential schools when it comes to self-segregation along with the "have's" and "have's not."

Why leave those details out? You can easily check it out by typing in the keywords and do a look up and see what is missing in that parallels analysis.

What is interesting is that one of the main and recurring theme in all of the Harry Potter movies at Hogwarts is the constant bullying by Draco Malfoy and his friends toward Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Neville Longbottom, and many others. Draco Malfoy was especially harsh towards Harry Potter who is half-blood because of Potter's being famous or well known in the wizarding world. Jealousy, utter hate, his loyalty to his pure-blood lineage (and to his father) and to "the cause" (blood-purity) were often manifested in Draco's own bullying spree which was patently obvious in the Harry Potter movies. The ironic thing is that Draco Malfoy is a pure-blood who comes from a long line of pure-bloods of the Malfoy family as the nth generational pure-blood who use that status and opportunity in his delight to sneer on "half-bloods" or Muggle-borns (not born into pure blood of wizard or witch parents) who on occasion call them derogatorily as "Mudbloods"  which makes a very familiar theme for some culturally deaf people who are doing their own little battles that they precipitate by bullying others. Pretty much like calling deaf/hh people as "deficit thinkers" or using their own Deaf organizations to attack other deaf/hh people or organizations who have different, alternate opinions, viewpoints or philosophies regarding deafness-related issues.

It was interesting that the journal study "Parallels to Deaf World" did not draw any parallels between Hogwarts and deaf residential schools on the bullying aspect. It also did not draw parallels on how deaf and hard of hearing students self-segregate themselves into the "pure-bloods" or nth generation Deaf family (born into Deaf parents) whose first language is ASL versus those whose first language is the English language, who are born into hearing parents, may wear hearing aids or cochlear implants and may have a preference to speaking and listening over signing.

The irony is simply too much.

In fact, in Gallaudet's 2004 Spring Odyssey electronic magazine has a dedicated issue on bullying. It discussed questions whether it was possible deaf and hearing youths are seeing and learning far more pro-bully messages in our culture than anti-bully messages. And how people encourage bullies to bully others (I can see how this can continue and carry over into adulthood through other means and medium). Just like how Draco Malfoy gets his pleasure whenever his friends encourage and support him when he does the bullying because he is seen as the leader of the pack because of his blood-purity lineage being the nth generational pure-blood. Draco Malfoy constantly initiate the bullying of Harry Potter and others, and openly call them "Mudbloods."

The question becomes this.

Who are the "Draco Malfoys" in deaf residential schools (or even at Gallaudet University) who secretly desire to eradicate the hearing aid and cochlear implant "culture" among deaf and hard of hearing people? Who are the "Draco Malfoys" who will bully other deaf/hh kids at school for their lack of "purity"? Who are the "Draco Malfoys" who sneer at deaf/hh kids who can speak and listen well in another language,  use CUED speech, wear hearing aids or cochlear implants but don't have culturally deaf parents?  Who are the "Lucius Malfoys" (Draco's father) who encourage Draco's bullying ways at Hogwarts? Who are the Lucious Malfoys who go after organizations that support the "mixing" of Muggle-borns ("half-bloods) with Muggles (non-wizards or witches) with their ways and culture rather than support the continuing lineage of blood purity, its culture and ways?
As an adult, Lucius was an aristocratic wizard and head of the Malfoy family, believing strongly in notions of blood purity and the superiority of pure-blood wizards. He joined the Death Eaters, who shared his views on blood purity, and participated in the First Wizarding War.
If I wanted to I could see a lot of parallels when it comes to the bullying aspect, the self-segregation that occurs at deaf residential schools much like the Houses of Slytherin, Gryyfindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw, the ideology of Deaf culture and language in their own "blood-purity" aspect and to their "the cause" much like the wizarding wars one and two.

Another interesting parallel among deaf culture residential schools and Hogwarts is that in the Harry Potter movies they remind the audience that the wizarding population that is Muggle-born is on the rise while the pure-blood families shrink in size and number which has led to wizarding wars.  Sounds familiar? More deaf residential schools have closed over the years in favor of mainstream schools which allow the mixing of culturally deaf, deaf, and hard of hearing students much the same way Hogwarts allows both pure-blood, half-blood and half-breed wizarding students into their curriculum with Harry Potter being the most famous half-blood Hogwarts student.

Sounds awfully familiar. 

Dumbledore (half-blood wizard) explains the blood-purity complex and problem of what Lord Voldemort and other arch enemies of the dark magic believe in.
Dumbledore asserts that the much-vaunted blood purity does not exist, and is only a fiction maintained by the deceptions of supremacist wizards.
The whole crux on this argument of mine surrounds on this ideology of "blood purity" or "pure-bloods" and how the pure-bloods ways, language, and culture are seen as ultimately superior and the only way to, paradoxically so, live in order to "survive." Those who do not believe or support their ideology or cultural ways deserve to be eradicated or abandoned, hence these "wars." If you want to discuss "parallels" then this sounds pretty much like how some culturally deaf people and their organizations who are bent on destroying other organizations like AGBell, oral/aural schools, CUED speech, cochlear implant companies, hearing aids companies, and such. They attack through the constant slurring, hate, venom, disinformation campaigns, and protests in the effort to promote their way of living as superior rather than to accept the fact that many deaf or hard of hearing people have a different philosophy and ways of living. They are not the ones doing the attacking but rather among some of the, excuse me, "pure-blood extremists." Sirius Black is a pure-blood wizard who oppose the use of the Dark Arts and discrimination based on blood purity so not all pure-bloods believe in the blood-purity as being "superior".
.... a pure-blood wizard, son of Orion and Walburga Black and elder brother of Regulus by a little over a year. Although he was the heir of the House of Black, Sirius disagreed with his family's belief in blood purity and defied tradition when he was sorted into Gryffindor instead of Slytherin at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, which he attended from 1971 to 1978. As Sirius' relationship with his relatives deteriorated, he gained great friendship in James Potter, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew. The four friends, also known as the Marauders, joined the Order of the Phoenix to fight against Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters during the First Wizarding War. Sirius also became the godfather of Harry Potter, son of James and Lily Potter.

Sirius Black as a pure-blood was seen as a "blood traitor," too.

"Blood traitor" is a derogatory term commonly used by elite pure-blood families to describe witches or wizards who sympathise with the non-magical community and/or willingly associate with other such sympathisers or with Muggle-borns. Other similar terms include "Muggle-lover", "Mudblood-lover", "Dunglicker", "Scumsucker", and "Mudwallower", all of which refer disparagingly to those who are comfortable in the company of Muggles and/or Muggle-borns, whom prejudiced wizards and witches believe are dirty and inferior. The most notorious blood-traitor family was the Weasleys.

The message in this blog piece? Be careful on trying to use "parallels" between Hogwarts and deaf residential schools. It can go both ways, blood-purity or not because perspectives do differ. Also, just as well, there are way more "Muggle-borns" (born to hearing parents, English language, ability to speak and listen, use CUED speech, deaf or hard of hearing, do not know sign language, know some sign language, knows a lot of sign language, etc) than there are "pure-bloods" (nth generation Deaf family, ASL as their first language, deaf culture, etc) and that the "Muggle-borns" are growing every day whether they know sign language or not, and increasingly go to regular and mainstreamed schools, and even to private schools just like Hogwarts with school uniforms.

Bottom line, these parallels and fear-mongering nonsense need to stop. If you see "pure-bloods" doing the disparaging, attacking, libeling, hating, name calling, revealing of personal information, bullying or cyberbullying, misinformation campaigning, lying, and/or the deceiving for "the cause" then tell them that they fit nicely into the Slytherin House.  Otherwise I'd just as well drop this whole parallel nonsense comparison as an excuse to attack people and/or other organizations only because they are different and have a different set of philosophy and belief.  Because, you know, if you really want to get down to it  then ask yourself, who won at the Battle of Hogwarts - Voldemort, pure-bloods and the House of Slytherin or Harry Potter, the Muggle-borns, and the House of Gryyfindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw?

Yeah, better to just drop the whole thing.

Matt Hamill Interviews Compilation

For historical blogging purposes and convenience I decided to place all of the interview links of Matt Hamill into one place from 2006 to 2011. Four of those interviews were done by myself while others were done by somebody else.

Funny thing tho, I continue to get a lot of hits on one of the Matt Hamill interviews coming from a Wikipedia source on Matt Hamill (see reference #27) with a reference to a Matt Hamill interview blog piece I did in 2006. People are always looking up in Google or Bing info on Matt Hamill and get directed to one of my blog pieces on him.

Probably no surprise but I'm one of the very few deaf/hh bloggers who have done interviews with Matt Hamill. It was great interviewing him at the time. I was honored when I was given several photos of him practicing his sparring from Matt Hamill including exclusive photos of him joshing around with Tito Ortez and others. He gave me permission to use them in my blog.

Kokonut Pundit's Exclusive Interview #1 with Matt Hamill (with exclusive photos from Matt Hamill)- June 27, 2006

Kokonut Pundit's Exclusive Interview #2 with Matt Hamill about his 2008 Olympics dream - July 3, 2006.

Another Matt Hamill Interview (with picture) - July 16, 2006

Kokonut Pundit's Exclusive Interview #3 with Matt Hamill - July 17, 2006

Kokonut Pundit's Exclusive Interview #4 (post fight) with Matt Hamill - September 29, 2007.

Matt Hamill post fight video interview - captioned. Oct 24, 2010

Matt Hamill - pre-fight video interview - May 27, 2011

Annette Funicello and John Tracy Clinic

Annette Funicello, former Disney Mouseketeer, died to day at age 70. RIP.  The photo seen below (circa 1959) is Annette reading a Teen magazine to a deaf boy wearing a hearing aid on his chest.  Annette was introduced to John Tracy Clinic by the JTC founding board member Walt Disney.
Perhaps the greatest link was John Tracy, Spencer and Louise Tracy’s son, who was born deaf. John had an interest in art and as a child started a newspaper. The first issue sported a Mickey Mouse cover with an inscription by Disney which read, “Good Luck to Johnny Tracy.”

Louise Tracy spent a great deal of her life establishing the John Tracy Clinic for families with deaf children. Having struggled to understand the best way to educate her son, she wanted to provide the best medical advice to other parents in the same situation. Disney donated $100 at the clinic’s inception and was a member of the original board of directors. When Disney toured the facility in 1043 and saw that the children were napping on mats on the floor, he donated cots and at Christmas sent over “a truck load of gifts – puppets and toys, all Disney-licensed, that could be used in teaching.”

Disney later funded a $12,000 short film, Listening Eyes, made by the clinic to explain its procedures and supplied the director, Larry Lansburgh, from his studio.

When the Disneys sailed on the Queen Elizabeth to Europe in July of 1952, Spencer Tracy was also on board and they socialized during the trip.

In 1957, Disney hired John Tracy, who by then had attended Choinard, to work at the studio. He eventually was in charge of the cel library. John left Disney when his sight deteriorated and he was no longer able to do the job.

In 1961, Disney was on the ticket sales committee for a fundraiser for the John Tracy Clinic and in 1967 after Walt’s and Spencer’s respective deaths, the Disney Foundation donated $100,000 to the John Tracy Clinic.

In the photo below the poster behind Annette announcing the annual Benefit Bazaar

John Tracy was the inspiration for Spencer Tracy and his wife to start the John Tracy Foundation.

"As a child, John Tracy couldn't have known that he would be the inspiration of a whole movement to give new hope to parents of children with hearing loss," Barbara F. Hecht, president of the clinic, told The Times.  
The clinic was among the first to start a hearing-impaired child's training in infancy and make parental education a critical component. It has helped an estimated 245,000 parents and children.  
It tries to educate "deaf children through their mothers and fathers, who otherwise would not know what to do with them.... I hoped it would help a great deal," John Tracy wrote in 1946 in the Volta Review, the journal of the Alexander Graham Bell Assn. for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.  
The story, written when he was 22, was headlined "My Complicated Life."  
John Ten Broeck Tracy was born June 26, 1924, in Milwaukee to two actors who married between a matinee and evening performance.  
When Tracy was 10 months old, his mother became alarmed when a door that accidentally slammed shut failed to wake him.  
"I stopped suddenly.... I stood motionless beside his crib. I called his name again -- and then I shouted it. He slept on. And so I discovered our baby was deaf," she said years later.  
Afraid to tell anyone, even her husband, she consulted several doctors who told her that her son had "nerve damage, cause unknown." They also said he would never talk.  
The Tracys refused to accept doctors' advice to "wait -- in a few years he'll be old enough for a state school," a reference to deaf education that would start when he was 6.
"We went right on talking to Johnny, singing to him, telling him nursery rhymes, and as it turned out, that was just the right thing to do," Louise once said, according to a 1983 Times story.
You can read more of John Tracy's bio here who later in life in his old age became blind as well. John was born with Usher Syndrome and eventually became legally blind in the 1990s.
After attending what is now the California Institute of the Arts,

Tracy worked for several years in the art props department at Walt Disney Studios; Disney was a close family friend. Tracy stopped working when his eyesight started to fail in the late 1950s.

Well into adulthood, he learned that his deafness was due to Usher syndrome, a genetic disease that was also to blame for his fading vision. By the early 1990s, he was legally blind from retinitis pigmentosa.
John Tracy died in 2007 at the age of 82.

Don Grushkin's Piece on Dylan Quick : Self-Flagelation Begins

The news hit with blaring headlines after headlines on the tragedy of 14 students who got stabbed at the Lone Star Community College by a crazed student. I dreaded reading such depressing news but read I did.  Then I saw the words, "deaf," and then "wears a cochlear implant" but nothing on whether Dylan Quick knew sign language or whether he was another culturally deaf person who went on a killing spree or rampage.  A rampage that would make the cut for the Texas Chain Saw Massacre movie like this culturally deaf woman did by using a chain saw on her dead lover after murdering her. I knew it would be a matter of time until somebody from the culturally deaf community would take advantage of the news as a clarion call against cochlear implants, AGBell, auditory-oral schools, cyber/bullying and Auditory Verbal Therapy for deaf and hard of hearing kids all on the premise of Dylan Quick's supposedly intolerable upbringing as a deaf kid. Some actually made the claim that this stabbing spree was a manifestation as a result of the "oral-only philosophy" impact which "destroys deaf children."


But lo and behold it wasn't long until a deaf person named Donald Grushkin, a PhD holder (more of him in YouTube) in the field of deaf studies wrote a piece called "I was Dylan Quick" empathizing with Dylan Quick's own deafness issues as if Donald Grushkin knew what Quick's own psychological or social issues were in the first place.
However, an even more important issue soon arose: it was revealed that Dylan Quick is a Deaf (capitalized to indicate ethnicity, regardless of cultural affiliation) person who was orally-raised and uses a cochlear implant. My thoughts just as rapidly turned from gun control to the issue of mental health, especially where Deaf and hard of hearing people are concerned, and moreover, I quickly envisioned the media reports characterizing Dylan Quick as an “isolated loner” without mentioning he is Deaf, or focusing on causes and issues related to his rampage which have nothing to do with his being Deaf, insinuating that this is an isolated incident. Yet, finding out that Dylan Quick is Deaf himself, I immediately empathized with him in his expression ofwhat must be intolerable rage and frustration, for I, at one point in my life, could have done almost exactly what he did. 
If I may say so while I'm at it the capitalized "D" in "Deaf" as explained by Donald Grushkin was used to indicate "ethnicity" presents numerous problems.  Aside from that in Donald's piece he seems to be assuming a lot of things on what Dylan's personal and social life growing up as a deaf person might have been like and whether his life was a "tolerable" one or not. Rather than wait and see exactly what the media may report on what Dylan Quick's own life was like growing up as a deaf person, Donald Grushkin took the empathy route and attempted to project his own life experiences growing up as a deaf person with that of Dylan Quick's even though we know nothing about Quick's own social and life background while growing up as a deaf kid.  Although there are a few tidbits of information gleaned so far on Dylan's supposedly eccentric behaviors we can only assume so much (but shouldn't anyway) at this point.
"He was an eccentric kid, so a lot of people thought he was weird," Chalflan explained, adding that students sometimes would make fun of the suspect behind his back. "He was always in his own little world but was super friendly."

The suspect, who was rumored to be hard of hearing, was known for his odd clothes and the pair of work-out gloves he'd always wear, according to Chalfan. He was often seen carrying a stuffed monkey toy.
Perhaps we will know more in the coming days what Dylan's personal and social life was like, and what his preferred mode of communication? Eccentricity or weirdness does not equate with tendency towards extreme violence.  Even if a deaf person who made a zombie clip mocking another deaf person would not necessarily mean anything other than a person was simply venting or having a bit of fun when all else fails and having a PhD just won't do.

Donald proceeded in his article piece describing his experiences while growing up as a deaf person:
I was born Deaf.  Upon finding I was Deaf, my parents decided to do exactly as Dylan’s parents did: raise him as an “oral” person, meaning we were taught to speak through auditory pathways and to use whatever hearing capacities we had to the best of our abilities.  Unlike Dylan, I was (in my view, fortunately)born too soon to receive a cochlear implant; this technology did not become commonplace until around the 1980s. Through the use of lipreading, hearing aids, intensive and ongoing speech therapy, I learned to speak; my speech is nearly indistinguishable from that of a Hearing person’s.
His speech is nearly indistinguishable from that of a hearing person's? Must've been really hell during all those speech therapy sessions but I'll bite.

But what about the hypocrisy some "Deaf" people have against deaf or hard of hearing people who prefer to speak and listen, even if they know sign language?  As long as speech is intelligible then everything is fine. Speech intelligibility is the important key here rather than how well a deaf person's own voice ranks with that of hearing people. Why even bother? Ever hear a native southerner speak with a deep, southern drawl while chewing on wad of tobacco?

The term "born Deaf" with the capitalized "D" has its own problems, too. As for Donald Grushkin's own hearing loss situation we don't know when Donald was fitted with a hearing aid as a toddler or a young child at age 3, 4 or 5 years old.  Studies have shown that early exposure to auditory input can make a huge, huge difference along with parental involvement.  We don't know exactly how much his hearing loss is or the type of hearing loss he has. Or what his word discrimination is like. Or the whether he derived any real benefits from using his hearing aid that gave him his speech ability that is "nearly indistinguishable from that of a Hearing person’s."

He further described how his life was peppered with bullying experiences and how it was "hell":
Prior to the sixth grade, my family moved to another state, where I entered Middle School. As almost everyone knows, these “tween” years are quite often stressful for many students, especially those who stand out as “different” –intellectually, physically, or socially. Being Deaf, I naturally stood out among all these other Hearing students, and as a result, I experienced extreme ostracism and what today would be termed “bullying” wherein certain students would deliberately use my abilities to lipread and inability to hear against me, in order to elicit reactions they thought were funny.  It is fortunate that my parents are not gun owners, for I can all too easily envision myself at that time taking a gun or two to school and shooting my tormentors.  All too likely, some innocent students would have become “collateral damage” during my expression of rage, if I had done this, and I am thankful today that this never took place.  After two years of this personal Hell, I convinced my parents to allow me to attend a school for the Deaf, where I knew that my being Deaf would NOT be a cause for such bullying.  I cannot begin to express my gratitude for my education within the Deaf world, for without it, I know I would not today be where I am – a successful, happy, married with children Deaf man with a doctorate who teaches at a major state university.
Luckily parents are not gun owners? I'll bite, again, but the most startling revelation was Donald Grushkin's own statement that he could've been the "Dylan Quick" of his day 30 years ago while as a young adult had his parents owned guns at home.


He  acknowledged his own past repressed rage because his life was deemed "impossible" to live in a "hearing world" or so it seems.

Of course, not all deaf or hard of hearing people are the "Dylan Quick" kind. In fact, Richie's, who grew up as a deaf person since birth with profound hearing loss. He is a big gun advocate. His own life turned out pretty darned well. He wrote his own rebuttal article piece, "Not all Deaf People are Dylan Quick," against Donald Grushkin's empathy piece.
Some deaf people empathize with the crazed guy who stabbed 14 people in Texas, pointing out the frustration in gaining acceptance with the mainstream given the deafness. I don't buy it.

According to the news, Dylan Quick received his cochlear implant at the age of seven and had fantasies of stabbing people at the age of eight. Is there a correlation? Or was it sheer coincidence? You decide. I was offered the opportunity to hear at the age of six but declined. I was very content and saw no reason to change anything. Thirty-five years later, I have no regrets whatsoever. Furthermore, the technology was crude back then and was in desperate need of being perfected. Now that the technology is much closer to perfection, I will still decline for I am now an old dog who cannot be taught new tricks. However, I have no qualms with younger deaf children being given the opportunity to hear. The younger, the better. Although, I'm more of a stem cell guy.

Was it the deafness that prompted the stabbing or was it the fact he was a loner? Not all loners are deaf nor are all deaf people loners. Some deaf people get along with those who are not deaf while some don't. It could be due to impropriety as deaf people have the tendency to lack familiarity with social norms particularly with humor or sarcasm. Or it could be that people don't have the patience to scribble on a piece of paper to communicate with the deaf person. There are other factors as well. Less than 1 out of 1,000 people can claim fluency with sign language so it is a very rare language. I can assure you the repeated claims of American Sign Language (ASL) being the third (or fourth) most widely used language is a myth. If there was any truth to this, I would encounter a lot more signers in shopping malls or in public settings.

Despite my profound deafness, I have friends who are not deaf, some from high school, some from my childhood neighborhood, and some co-workers. In fact, my oldest friends are not deaf and I see them regularly. They do not know sign language but they are used to me as well as me to them. I also see my former co-workers whenever I'm in the area of my former job. We're close although they don't sign.

My friends who are not deaf won't scribble on a piece of paper nor have they expressed interest in meeting other deaf people. They like me for who I am. Perhaps it's my sense of humor. Also, they don't see themselves as "hearing." Here's a perfectly logical explanation behind this:

Blind people call us "seeing," assuming we are not also blind. The word "seeing" is foreign to us since we don't encounter blind people very often. Since we're deaf, we regularly use the word "hearing," but most hearing people have yet to encounter a deaf person so they are not accustomed to that particular word.

I was born without hearing. I was classified as profoundly deaf since birth. Hearing aids were moot and I stopped wearing them at the age of seven very much to the chagrin of my teachers who insisted I keep them on to maintain my speech. They were sorely mistaken, hearing aids never worked on me but I retained my ability to speak. I do not claim to be educated since I dropped out of high school at the young age of sixteen. I went to college for only one year and realized it wasn't my cup of tea seeing how it would have no effect on my future or my success.

I started using sign language at the age of six and still sign. I sign fluently and easily pass for a native ASL signer. I have deaf friends too but I am also very fortunate to still speak. The thorny issue is that had I been unable to speak, I would not have been able to work in a company. Sure, I could find work in the VRS industry, the government, or at a school for the deaf. Instead, I chose to work as a marketing manager responsible for graphics, writing proposals, ensuring production milestones are met, and making sure our marketing materials are up to date. There are times I wish there were more deaf people working in non-governmental jobs. The level of discrimination is at unbearably unacceptable levels but we also need to look at it from their perspective. Would you hire a Navajo speaker to do the job? Exactly.

Frankly, it is a difficult dilemma. An interpreter just won't cut it, hence my sheer frustration. I usually spell frequently, thus risking misunderstandings when I say something such as, "The animation sequence is messing up the shadow effect." A simple sentence that took me 20 seconds to describe to the interpreter so she could relay it to the person on the other side of the line. Saying it would take only three seconds. Mind you, that was an experienced interpreter. Sometimes it'd take me three seconds to sign something and the interpreter would take 30 seconds to explain it. ASL is funny sometimes.

Anyways, not all deaf person are Dylan Quick so hearing people mustn't fear us.
This is insofar about a deaf or hard of hearing college student who had this lurid and unhealthy obsession to stab people since he was in elementary school. He finally acted out his fantasy to stab people at random. He fulfilled his own wish to hurt or attempted to murder them during the stabbing spree which appears to have been done at random. Quick was mentally unstable. Off his rockers. Nuts. Just like how a culturally deaf man murdered two culturally deaf people with a 20-gauge shotgun. He was mentally unstable. Or the Joseph Mesa case, a Gallaudet University student who murdered another deaf student on campus. Or a culturally deaf woman who murdered her own culturally deaf lover and then cut her up into pieces with a chain saw. No doubt mentally unstable. It's no surprise that deaf people do go out and kill/murder other people whether they're deaf or hearing. They're just a bunch of mentally unstable people who don't know any better. I have no sympathy for them at all. I side with the true victims of the crime. I don't make excuses for them.

Each of us as a deaf or hard of hearing person we deal with adversity in our own ways. Some see themselves as perennial victims, complaining and bitching every step of the way and rail against the "hearing system." Others do not see themselves as victims but see the very people who attacked or looked down on them as simply a bunch of misinformed, uninformed, and uneducated lot. But thank God for my hearing aid, my mother and for her to not put me into a "Deaf school" because I did very well in regular schools, made friends and competed in sports winning national championships otherwise I would not be who I am today. 

Let the self-flagellation begin by some in the deaf community in the effort to assuage their own internal guilt complex.

Hat tip for the help with thanks to Richie B.

Deaf man kills deaf sister and deaf brother-in-law with rifle

Gruesome. Thomas Simich, Jr, a 46 year old culturally deaf man who cannot speak or hear at all, does not wear a hearing aid or cochlear implant and has history of mental illness while growing up with his deaf parents just upped and killed his deaf sister and deaf brother-in-law with a rifle blast to their bodies at close range. Thomas was living with his deaf parents at the time of the killing. 

More postings on the brutal double homicide are found here, here, here, here and here.

Several years before the killing he began to act strange which lasted for several years.  You have a mentally disturbed person living with his deaf parents. What caused Thomas to snap? What caused him to be mentally undisturbed? Was it because of the deaf family environment? Why make up stories of talking voices inside his head (as opposed to "talking hands") and blame it on his own psychosis for the killing? Was he a product of bad deaf schools with ASL only programs? Bad English programs? Bad advices from deaf counselors? Bad deaf teachers? Bad deaf parents who refused to speak or encourage Thomas to learn how to speak? Bad deaf parents who decided against use of hearing aids and AVT since after all he was hearing voices in his head which perhaps signal a longing desire to speak and listen?  Bad medical industrial complex, the pharmaceutical companies and the medical community that influenced Thomas to take his medicine even though it probably didn't help? Maybe he was a product of a bad ASL environment? Maybe he was a product of deaf bullies while going to a deaf school growing up? Whatever it was, those silent murders took place in a town, ironically, called Freedom.  Nothing funny about it.

Please calm down, folks.

And, oh, yeah, that crime took place eight years ago. He's already in jail in Pennsylvania for those murders. And, yeah, I made these assumed over-generalizations by blaming certain things on purpose just to make a point

Bullying Inside the Deaf/HOH Community Rehashed

It's sad whenever (cyber)bullying occurs by deaf/hh bullies in the deaf/hh community whether bullies know sign language or not over deafness-related issues or that the target has a communication preference different from others as a reason for the attack. Recently an unfortunate circumstance occurred a few days ago in a Facebook forum that got out of control between two adults with one being the obvious aggressor. Equally unfortunate was that the author of the Bullying Inside the Deaf/HOH Community article used the situation by making unfounded assertions.  The admin of this Deaf/HH Blogs FB group, yours truly, had already rectified the situation as already explained yesterday, April 10th, under Aaron's post that began on March 27, 2013 (scroll down until you see Aaron's March 27 posting).
If you click on "members" in the upper right part of the FB you can see who currently are members. The said person is no longer a member since yesterday. It is understandable that Sveta is upset with what has happened. One thread was already removed yesterday. I already explained on the day of the incident that I will need to sit down and read what was going on before deciding what I needed to do since I've been busy away from home. People here do have the option to not respond to an offensive post. People are mature enough to recognize when to stop and let the admin handle it should it get out of hand. This is a low volume FB group and it just so happens personality and conviction clashed.

I purposely let the Aaron thread alone so others can see exactly what had happened and how perspectives, feelings, and beliefs can vary widely even in the deaf/hh community regarding communication access and deafness-related issues. I have made my points clear more than a few times that any hearing loss organization should be prepared to provide the proper communication access when requested by deaf or hard of hearing individuals. Not doing so make them a hypocrite organization. There is a difference when one tries to accommodate vs those who do not try at all and flat out refuse such service.

This is also a reminder that even those in the deaf/hh community (non-signers) still need to be educated on the value of communication access and the need to help others feel accepted in the community. And conversely, some in the culturally deaf community need to be educated as well.
The discussion did stop on March 28 with Aaron's initial post that began on March 27th. However, the discussion was picked up again on April 10th, Wednesday, almost two weeks later after it stopped and it all went downhill quickly after that. I addressed the incident on April 12, Friday coming off of a week long multiple projects that required my attention. I can't always hover around each and every posts that get submitted and follow each every comments made. There's a reason why you turn off your FB apps on your phone.  In this situation some give and take are needed as well maintaining proper sensibilities.

The bickering made worse when ad hominem attacks were used instead of using cogent arguments to make the case.  Feelings ran high, people made rash decisions and rash words. But because emotion was running high so soon after that incident the author of Bullying Inside the Deaf/HOH Community who felt victimized by the whole incident, and I don't blame her, decided to use my name to skew the situation unfairly.

Bullying inside the deaf/hh community, especially in the culturally deaf community, isn't new. It has been going on for years. I've written many topics on cyber/bullying in my blog (see http://tinyurl.com/d99o7d4 ) and I have been a target myself many times because of my views and opinions. I don't see myself as a victim but rather that some people still need to be educated. That includes the Deaf community, deaf community, hard of hearing community and the hearing community.

And that, folks, is in a nutshell.

Can you spot the video difference?

Can you spot the differences between these three videos? Maybe the irony? Before you complain, think first. Keep it clean...and nice. That's my only request.

The last video talks about this guy in a screenshot which can be found here.


I have a question


A captioned video, "I have a question."

The Last Boston Marathon Race?


The good news? The hunt for the Boston Marathon bombers is over with the capture of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.  The bad news? Will there be another Boston Marathon race in 2014? 

Did last week bombings near the finish line signal an end of an era or did it just made logistics, planning and raising money that much more complicated? Does this bode well for future Boston Marathon races, an annual race that spanned for 117 years?

These questions are important because if the118th Boston Marathon Race is to take place in 2014 security measures and protocols will need to be revamped to adjust to the new climate of fear, the fear of seeing a repeat bombing attacks by wannabe terrorist copy cats who have seen the results of what two people can do to maim, kill, terrorize and shut down an entire city, and gain instant international recognition and even martyrdom.

Not good.

The chase to find the bombing suspects sets off the first ever security precedence of shutting down an entire city and several surrounding suburbs.  There were no rail and bus services, traffic was stopped, businesses were forced to close and people were told to stay indoors and lock their doors while police, FBI, and SWAT teams combed the city for the last remaining bomber suspect.  The new fear is that this incident will only serve to inspire other wannabe terrorists to repeat the bombing attempt because the attacks had gained such international attention and traction because it happened on American soils.

Securing the 26.2 mile route for next year's race has now become a logistical and PR nightmare. Security costs are expected to take a huge jump to assure the security and safety for each runner and people watching the race on the sideline.  Control points will need to be secured along the 26.2 mile route for people who congregate on the sideline to watch runners at the beginning of the race to the end where they cross the finish line.  Where there is a crowd, there's a target. You have a crush of people who watch and cheer over 25,000 runners who cram the streets in the beginning of the race like packed sardines.

The Boston Marathon route goes through several small towns such as Hopkinton (pop. 15,000), Ashland (pop. 16,500), Framingham (pop. 68,000), Natick (pop. 33,000), Wellesley (pop. 28,000), Newton (pop. 85,000), Brookline (pop. 59,000), and ending in the city of Boston (pop. 620,000) (see population estimates). The question now becomes on how will security address crowds along that route since security was compromised in last week's attacks near the finish line? How will security address people carrying bags and backpacks? Will they be banned? Will key check points be established? What about parking areas? What about vehicles? More metal detecting wands in the hands of security agents? More drones? More bomb sniffing dogs? Will we see more of those airport security scanners and metal detectors at key entry points with the familiar long lines just to get close to the finish line? Or what about at any key entry points along the 26.2 mile route? Will TSA now officially take control of large events with the Boston Marathon bombings signaling the opportunity (and excuse) to expand their reach and control?
Turns out the TSA goes to NFL games and political conventions and all kinds of places that have little or nothing to do with air travel. It even has a special division called VIPR — an unfortunate acronym for Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response team — that conducts these searches.

Few people know that $105 million of their taxpayer dollars are going to fund 37 VIPR teams in 2012, whose purpose is to “augment” the security of any mode of transportation. They don’t realize that these VIPR teams can show up virtually anytime, anywhere and without warning, subjecting you to a search of your vehicle or person.

That’s not a fringe observation, by the way. Even the most mainstream news outlets have reported on the problems of these random checkpoints. And it’s being observed by mainstream news personalities, not just consumer advocates with a long list of grievances from their constituents.

But almost no one noticed when the Department of Homeland Security signaled its intent to broaden the scope of its off-airport searches even more in 2013. Buried deep in the Federal Register in late November was a notice that could dramatically shift the focus of transportation security. It involves the government’s efforts to “establish the current state of security gaps and implemented countermeasures throughout the highway mode of transportation” through the Highway Baseline Assessment for Security Enhancement (BASE) program.
The Boston Marathon Race is not just an event taking place at a single location like a convention or football stadium where security measures are less complex to maintain. The Boston Marathon is an event that spans over 26.2 miles along the Boston Marathon route though several towns and ending in the city of Boston which would be the most crowded place there is. The expectation could turn out that the TSA will have a greater and visible presence and security role to ensure the safety and security of each individual attending the race.  Not only would this be a logistical nightmare since people aren't quite fond of TSA agents with their zeal to grope people's junk but the huge cost associated with it to plan and install newly revamped security measures along the 26.2 mile route, a street that is part of the highway mode of transportation which now falls under the jurisdiction of the TSA with the help of the DHS.

The burning question is who will bear the security costs if the 2014 Boston Marathon race is to take place next year? The Federal govt? The state? County? Or the towns where the route runs through? In 2009 there were serious cost issues and concerns by some of the area towns along the 26.2 mile Boston Marathon route, enough so that could have easily impacted the race had they not gotten the extra financial support from the Boston Athletic Association.
Now, officials from four of the area towns along the 26.2-mile Boston Marathon route are grumbling that they aren't getting enough money from the Boston Athletic Association to cover the demands for police and other services every year.  
Town officials from Ashland, Framingham, Natick and Wellesley have delayed granting permits for this year's race until after a meeting, slated for this week, with the Boston Athletic Association to discuss their concerns.  
"We're looking at cutting back resources, and this is a major drain on our public resources," said John Petrin, Ashland's town manager.  
Though the town learned last week that its donation from the BAA will increase by $3,000, Petrin says the new total of $29,000 is still not enough to cover the race's logistical, financial, and business impact on the town. Natick, Wellesley, and Ashland will receive the same donation from the BAA.  
The four communities, whose administrators regularly communicate throughout the year, sent a letter to the BAA requesting the meeting.  
"We won't vote on anything until we've resolved this issue," said Hans Larsen, Wellesley's executive director. "We're racking up the costs as we speak."  
Guy Morse, the BAA's executive director, said the organization is sensitive to the amount of resources expended by communities along the route, but believes the international attention and business traffic generated by the race, as well as the donations, more than make up for it. " 
Besides the prestige . . . there must be an economic impact in addition to whatever planning cost there is," said Morse. He said towns have received donations only since 1986, when the John Hancock insurance company started supporting the Marathon, and the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency oversees the coordination of public-safety aspects of the race, reducing the local burdens.
Last year's race the cost to compete in the race by eligible runners was $150. And with over 25,000 runners that turns out to be close to $4 million dollars.  The 2011 race was at $130. The price steadily rose along with rising popularity of the race over the last decade going from $70 to $150. Could we expect the price for the 2014 race to double or perhaps triple up to $450 to help defray security cost measures in advance of the race? Would $500 per race entrant be doable or affordable in this case?  Will towns see an increase in donations to help defray costs for next year's race and not siphon donations away for other projects that benefitted from the race? How will towns help bear the extra security and logistical costs when they could barely cover every year's race? Will it be on taxpayers' dime to help pay for the increased security if TSA gets involved, for example?  Is the Boston Marathon race over because it has simply become too burdensome, risky and expensive in a time when the economy isn't so great?

Because of our American spirit and steadily resolve, the 2013 bombing attacks will not stop people from planning for next year's event. It will not stop runners and the crowd from attending the next Boston Marathon race in 2014. It is just that things have become a lot more complicated since the attacks. Compromises will need to be made. Freedom and security will continue to shift and adjust. People will need to learn to increase their awareness of their surroundings should they decide to attend next year's Boston Marathon race. We may see less runners signing up and people attending next year's event or we might see an opposite effect as a show of American spirit and resolve. It's hard to quash the American spirit when you have a tradition that brings people together every year to celebrate the love and zeal for life.

In memory of the Boston Marathon victims.

Positive Quote of the Day

There are lots of positive quotes out there made by people who see the value of making positive encouragements. Here's my own personal quote I just made up that I think sums up the importance of encouragements no matter how small.

"The tiniest encouragement can yield the greatest result." - April 20, 2013 by....me.

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